About K-Technology

About K-Technology


  • K-Technology, a private company incorporated in California, was established on December 2010.
  • K-Technology is dedicated to produce power with zero emissions technology.

Brief Business History

  • Opened R&D Center In Pico Rivera, California for developing renewable energy on December 2010.
  • Service contracted with Ceracom Co Ltd, Groly Mold Co Ltd.
  • US Patent filed on july 2011 for Multi-Purpose Portable Power Generating System.
  • Filed & Issued US Patent on September 2013 for Ball Electric Power Generator.
  • Filed & Issued US Patent on Graphene Power Generator on August 2013.
  • Filed & Issued US Patent on Grahphene Power Generator System for Automobile, Ships, Trains, Helicopter/airplane, and etc.
  • Awarded Saint Jean Carbon Two Graphene (TSX.V SJL) related Products on December 28, 2019
  • US patent # 11,046,178 received for Vehicle Safety and power generating system.
  • US patent # 11,535,283 received for Train derailment and rollover preventing system.
  • US patent # 11,606,003 received for Portable power generating system.
  • That system is the world’s first 4 flywheels technology and supports rotation each other and increasing centripetal force powerfully for producing electric powers. That system designed for EV charge (quick) Stations, that can be uses for all other industries it produces power greater then Solar and wind -power plants.
  • US patent # 11,613,279 received for Renewable power generating system for Train/Vehicles.
  • This is the world’s first attach-detachable power generating system, that generator having a train wheel and rotating on train rails. This system produces electric power more than battery train power consumptions. Therefore, the coach train can be ride From LA to NEW York without separate charges.
  • Furthermore, it can be attached 10 unit (One MW each unit) in the 40 feet trailer, It will be 10 MWh X 10 trailer= 100 MW (HR) X 20 hrs. (a day) = 2000 MW that is almost same size of coal power plant (Arizona 2 SRP power plants).
  • Therefore, we/ketch strongly recommends to build train rail power plant world widely ASAP for saving the earth.

- Chairman's Message -

Over the past 50 years, I've had two missions for human society. One of them was how to prevent crime in human society, and the other was how to preserve the Earth, that is, to find solutions to the challenges facing the world today.


In order to achieve this dream, I have acquired more than 50 U.S. patents over the past years, and based on this, I have technically established the foundation for achieving my dream. One solution to the former was achieved in 1997 through the world's first innovative idea of integrating cell phone cameras and storing digital videos in internal memory. At that time, the patent acquisition contributes greatly to the prevention of various accidents and crimes and the search for criminals by capturing and storing videos in memory such as Security Camera and smartphones. The technology was distributed as a license agreement to all mobile phone manufacturers around the world, and it was an opportunity to create many billionaires.


After 12 years of research, I created the world's first innovative power generation system that overwhelms existing wind, solar, and hydroelectric power generation, and I feel very proud to introduce this technology through this website.


This technology (US Patent #11,613,279:3/28/2023) is a state-of-the-art system using existing train railways installed in the world, which can be operated with trains over the Train Rail, as well as recharge the Battery Train to a separate Trailer System to generate 1,000 mega-scale coal power per day. Of course, this is Zero Emission clean energy. In addition, if you change the Wheel of the train, it can be applied to express buses, which is registered in the patent. A train derailment prevention system can be attached to the above technology as an option. (US Patent #11,535,283).


- Elton Train Powerplant (I)
US Patent #11,613,279 (3/28/2023) A state-of-the-art system using existing train railroads currently installed in the world. Train wheels are attached to a porridge generator to operate along with a train on a train rail to generate battery train. In addition to recharging, by attaching the system to a separate trailer, large-scale power generation of 1000 Mega watts per day, equivalent to that of an Arizona coal power plant, was possible. Naturally, this has become a patent that can be applied to high-speed buses if changed to tiers or switched by tires.


- Elton Power Plant (II)
This patented technology is another groundbreaking human first power generation system in which four Flywheel are connected to each other to rotate and amplify centrifugal force, enabling 24-hour electricity production regardless of climate change. With this technology, millions of EV charge stations can be installed, and large amounts of electricity can be generated. This technology is also eco-friendly with no carbon dioxide emissions and is several times more economical than conventional Wind Turbine and Solar Power Plants. I am sure that the active use of the above two inventions can reduce numerous side effects caused by climate change and contribute greatly to the preservation of the Earth, so I sincerely hope that all of us will cooperate to contribute to economic growth as well as the preservation of the Earth.


  • 1970 - 1987 Invented the home cordless telephone, CB Radio, Cordless alarm system, satellite receiver and distributed nation-wide in USA

  • 1990 - 2014 Established Minerva Industries Inc with 35 US Patents. The patens were licensed to the companies (Apple, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, LG, Pantech, Blackberry etc.)

  • 2010 - 2014 Found K-Technology USA to develop renewable green energy. K-Technology has jointly filed 3 patents, with Sungkyunkwan University of Korea related to power generator using Graphene material (Graphene material is twice as strong as diamond and more than 2 times faster in thermal transfer than cooper)

  • 2019 K-Tech invested $300,000 to the SJC wire/Volt carbon technology for developing Graphene wires.

  • 2020 - 2023 received 5 patents and developed the world's first train rail power generating system and train rail power plants. Furthermore, K-tech developed world's first 4 flywheel power generating systems for EV charge stations.